Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
Graphite Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
Inductively-Coupled Plasma - OES
High Performance Liquid Chromatography HPLC
Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry GC-MS / Tandem MS
Gas Chromatography - Flame Ionization Detection GC-FID / Dual FID
Gas Chromatography - Thermal Conductivity Detection GC-TCD
Gas Chromatography - Electron Capture Detection GC-ECD
UV / Visible Spectrophotometry
Ion Chromatography IC
Elemental Analysers C, H, O, N, S
Fourier-Transform Infra-Red FT-IR
Malvern Mastersizer 200 Particle Sizing Analyser
Scanning Electron Miscoscopy
Thermal Gravimetric Analyser
Flourescence Spectroscopy
Rapid Resolution Liquid Chromatography
Immunoassay Microtitre Plate Reader
Karl Fischer Moisture Analyser
Capillary Electophorsis
Electrochemistry Equipment
Bomb Calorimetry
Nitrogen Sorption Analyser (Surface Chemistry Porosity)
Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
Using the Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry samples are heating to very high temperatures to decompose the samples into atoms. The atoms absorption, emission of ultraviolet or visible radiation can then be measured.
Atomization occurs when a liquid is drawn into the flame. Absorbance of light is calculated light passes through the atoms and flame simultaneously.
Gas Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry GC-MS / Tandem MS
Generally recognized as one of the most powerful separative methods available, Gas Chromatography is widely used in laboratory analysis.
Mass Spectrometry is used in conjunction with the Gas Chromatography to identify a greater range of information about a sample as long as there is a pure sample available, this can under favorable conditions identify every component in a complex mixture.
Scanning Electron Miscoscopy
The Scanning Electron Microscope images the sample using a high energy beam of electrons. Signals are produced from the atoms as the electrons interact with the atoms in the sample. These signals contain information about the composition, surface topography and other properties such as electrical conductivity